
Monday, July 16, 2012

Motivated to Inspire

There are so many things in our lives that we take advantage of. The little things that we learn, we don't even realize. Whether it's a lesson from a teacher, or something so simple, yet meaningful, said by a classmate. When we live our lives, do we ever stop for a second and remember every single detail that we learn, everyday? I think not.

One of the things that I came across during my classes for SRP is the meaning towards Creator vs. Victim. Do we want to be a Victim and live our lives blaming external reasons rather taking the fault for what happens our lives? Or do we want to be a Creator and live our lives taking necessary action to achieve our goals to become the best we can be? All in all, it's up to you, and how YOU make your life.

I know that I don't want to be the kind of person who sits around all day asking when things will happen, or why events won't go the way I want it to be. I want to be, and try my absolute best to be the kind of person who stands up for what I want, and goes for it. I don't want to be looked down upon for not reaching my dreams and goals. I want to looked up to and inspire people to be as successful as they can be.

I may question the path I choose to go in life, but at least I know that I am trying my hardest to be the best person I can be. 

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