
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Do it like you own it

Being able to be in front of an audience and giving a presentation is more than just confidence and knowing what you're talking about. It is being able to be clear of words, talking like you mean what you say, and connecting with your audience. 

In the two video clips,  "Top Ten Presentation Mistakes," and "Make a Presentation Like Steve Jobs," we are taught various ways to improve ourselves when presenting to an audience
A few of the things that caught my attention is how we prepare ourselves before a presentation. Is there too little or too much information? We want our audience to learn something. One thing the guy said was "what's in it for me?" The audience has to be involved and into the presentation. Presentations like Steve Jobs is how what we say to our audience and how enthusiastic we feel when presenting. I really liked the part when the guy explains how Steve Jobs puts less bullet points and more creativity into it by using pictures and video clips.

Overall I enjoyed the clips because it is all useful information we can incorporate into our presentations in a few weeks.

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